Change the date range, view event overlays and compare Harry Winston Diamond Corporati against . 13.95 0.08 (0.57%) 2:20PM EDT - Nasdaq Real Time Price
Stock quote for harry winston diamond prices Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (HWD) - Get real-time last sale and extended hours stock prices, company news, charts, and company-specific research tools for .
Real-time prices for U.S.-listed stocks, including premarket and after hours, reflect trading through Nasdaq only. Comprehensive quotes reflect trading on all .
4Q: Consolidated sales: $215.4 million, up 61% 4Q: Rough diamond sales: $82.7 million, up 30% 4Q: Retail sales: $132.7 million, up 89% 4Q: Consolidated net income: $9.9 million .
Although the company did not forecast further near-term rough diamond price increases, Gannicott said Harry Winston
Harry Winston harry winston diamond prices Diamond Corp. wrapped up a difficult year an upbeat note Thursday, reporting that rough diamond prices have improved and demand for its high-end .
The 4Cs When purchasing a diamond, you will hear mention of the 4Cs. This method of evaluating stones relies on four factors: cut, color, clarity and carat
Ways to track Harry Winston Diamond Corp. Facebook. By clicking the "Like" button you will receive a . MarketWatch will post an end-of-day news and price summary to your Facebook news .
The Company currently sorts rough diamonds into approximately 10,000 different categories or price points. . to purchase polished stones for use in Harry Winston
Ultimately, the price of diamonds is driven by worldwide consumer demand for diamond . rough stones from Diavik and purchase polished stones for use in Harry Winston
. Harry Winston,
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